As a camper at LLYC, I always had two hopes for Closing Day: 1) that my parents would be some of the last folks to arrive so that I could have just a little bit longer at camp, and 2) that they wouldn’t arrive so late that they’d miss brunch.
It was a fine needle to thread!
Closing day is always bittersweet at camp. As sad as all of the campers are to leave the Canyon (and as sad as their counselors are to see them go!), it’s also really fun to get to share a sliver of camp life with parents and siblings.
We try to pull out all the stops on the last day and send our campers off with one last good meal. To that end, we stack the menu with camper favorites like Sister Schubert Sausage Rolls, but we also make a couple of special items, like bacon and green chile quiche.
My own favorite thing is Sunday Morning Coffee Cake, which I got to put on the menu for the first time in 2018. The recipe comes from one of my best friends, who grew up eating it for breakfast every weekend. A pastor’s kid, her mom had to make sure all the kids were out of bed in time to get them to church, so she lured them to breakfast with this delightfully simple and oh-so-comforting cake. It pairs best with a hot cup of coffee and a stroll down to the Echo Valley waterfront.
— Wylie Shellhouse
Gather your ingredients:1 frozen pie shell |
Start cooking
Gather your ingredients:4 Tbs. canola oil |
Start cooking
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